Sunday, April 26, 2009

You can accomplish great things....

While procrastinating…..
I am actually exhausted and very sleepy. I have no idea why. Well, I slept in by pressing the snooze button for an hour. It is Sunday…so whatever. And my back hurts like hell. The small of my back. It has the feel of a joint issue, not muscle. I am icing it. It has been a beautiful weekend so far. Actually, it rained most of last night, which is my fault, because I watered my plants. My internet *GASP* was not working this morning.
So I cleaned my paperwork, and did laundry, and organized my coupon folder (just kidding).
Yesterday, my friend brought me to the 39 cent perennial sale. OMG. $100s later….I love gardening. I bought a ton of baby delphiniums and lupines. I have yet to successful grow a lupine. I have no idea why they give me trouble. But at 37 cents a bang, I figured I can try again! Delphiniums are great, except a couple of years ago the mice nibbled them away. I was going to make a new bed for these, let’s see. …
Anyways, I need to work on my paper. The very very last paper of my grad school career. Last class tomorrow, two more days of field. Last week’s field was hell (one family meeting from hell, one restraining order on a patient, mother and father beating each other up in their son’s room. SECURITY! The unit manager looking for me…. The bitchy nurse from hell. Two more days will be a breeze. I am so DONE with that place.
Graduation soon. Should I have a party? And when? I see Sallie Mae spent no time sending me my coupon book for my referred loan. And yeah…a job! What job? I am taking a couple of weeks off….so there….A job will come, I am sure of it. Seriously, I can temp…I got SKILLS! Right now? I want to plan my garden, a put up a fence.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

What do I wanna be?

If all goes as expected, I should graduate from school in less than a month. I will have my master's in social work. An MSW. I will sign up for the exam, hopefully I can manage to be a LMSW by the end of summer. I haven't signed up for the test, yet, because I want to be able to study for it.

So the biggest, scariest, weirdest getting a job. First of all, I am a very talented bookkeeper. I was the controller/accounting and budget manager before I went to school. I plan on temping right after graduation as a bookkeeper so I don't have get franic about $$. So, I have been looking for a real job...

What should I do? I have interest in healthcare, forensic and the seriously mentally ill. I can do group work and case management, I can even do individual work if I really wanted to.

There is an examine for probabtion officer in my county. They actually want MSW's in the job. But me with a gun? Hmm. Hey, I was an ROTC girl, I can handle the gun, but a job like that?

CPS worker exam- No ( I did not do any work with kids)

A local agency has an opening for their sex offending program. I may actually think about it.

Substance abuse? MICA clients I like, AA model...not sure.
I am a harm resistant type of person.

What to do....fummpt


Tuesday, April 07, 2009


I am still alive...just crazy with school work...
Yawn! is snowing! My pansies are cold

adopt your own virtual pet!