I am financially exhausted

I am broke
Things that I need to fix:
My mental health!!!!!!
My car (It rattles and I need an oil change)
My leaking upstairs plumbing (I found the leak!!!! That is dissolving my house)
My bathroom tile (Just one- but maybe need to redo all?)
Things I need:
A ton of stones for my driveway (hold off until spring?)
Groceries and household supplies
To pay my dues for the organization I am an officer
Virus scan on PC at home (Yep…expired a month ago)
Gifts I need to buy/make:
Dad’s birthday
Brother’s B-day
Sis-in-Laws B-day
Brother’s new home
Birthday gifts for friends
Gift for leaving assistant
Mom’s B-day coming up
Things I want: (That involve MONEY!!!!!)
Bulbs for fall planting
Stones for garden (Not expensive)
A pedicure (can’t afford)
A massage (I wish-but if I have another back attack-I might just go for it)
A haircut and color (hold off another few weeks)
A day at the spa? (In my fucking dreams)
Belly dancing class (My friends are joining)
Paint- If I have a vacation soon, I can strip wallpaper and paint a room
New shoes (I always want new shoes)
Cable TV for a while
A vacation (A train ride-and short stay to NYC?)
I really need to get my car fixed soon (My neighbor is a mechanic!)
Can I get my vanilla ex to fix my plumbing?
And then maybe a hair cut (but dye it myself)
And then the fall bulbs
Yes I am successfully paying my bills